
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am waiting to be impressed..

More wealth re distribution ...

Unions destroyed the big three car makers; Now Obama & the democrats are about to give unions a big helping hand by letting the Employee Free Choice Act pass. Good Bye Walmart!

And guess who will be advising Obama on the National economy ?.. the same folks who ran citibank to the ground.

Happy thanks giving y'all.. don't stop drinking the kool aid

Monday, November 24, 2008

Government Knows Best....

In true "government-knows-best" fashion, New York City officials have ordered 22 churches to stop providing beds to homeless people because they don't fit the government definition of a "shelter." Behind a shrub next to the expressway is OK though.

Yet we continue to elect the same morons back into office, over and over..

Do as I say...

Obama wants you to put air in your tire and go green.. when it comes to his own limo.. screw green!
But, somehow environmentalists seem willing to forgive him.

Obama wants you to send your kids to failing government brainwashing center, but when it come to his own kids Public schools are not good enough.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Put on an investor hat for a moment here...

The good news is that there isn't going to be an auto bailout right now. No surprise. Did you pay attention to these hearings in Washington? These auto company executives weren't even able to sit there and tell the Congress just how they would spend the money if it were actually given them!

The Democrats wanted to limit executive pay ... but what about the over-inflated pay of the workers at these auto companies, thanks to union contracts. $1,600 of every GM car you buy goes toward the health care costs of union workers. For companies like Toyota that aren't unionized - that cost is only $200 per car. GM also spends another $1,000 per vehicle on holiday pay, work rules, plant-shutdown-pay and line-relief to UAW workers. Those are costs that auto makers such as Toyota don't have to worry about. The average Ford, GM or Chrysler union worker makes about $71.00 or more per hour. For Toyota, Nissan and the rest ... about $48.00 per year. Do you detect a small problem here?

The stock market was down another 400 points or so yesterday. People are wondering where in the world this will end. Retirement funds are being devastated. People are losing jobs. The picture certainly isn't rosy right now, and nobody can really explain why.

We have a president-elect who ...
  • Has promised to raise capital gains taxes, perhaps even double them. So this guy is just waiting for you to jump into the stock market and make some money so he can seize a huge portion of it. Why jump now? Obama has been asked if he plans to go forward with his capital gains tax increase, but he's not saying. Just hold off on your investments for a while until he tips his hand. If he goes the tax increase route you might want to consider trying to move your money offshore to grow until he's out of the picture.

  • Has promised to sign the so-called "Card Check" bill. Now again, you're smarter than the average voter, and you realize that this unionization-through-intimidation idea is going to have an adverse affect on American business. As soon as the bill is signed union thugs (organizers) will start their petition drives at thousands of businesses across the nation. Large businesses and small businesses. America's largest employer, Wal-Mart, will be one of the first targets. You don't know how far this will spread, but you do know that every business that is unionized will be a poor investment for you. So you wait .. you wait to see what is going to happen with card check.

  • Has promised to raise income taxes on the largest jobs producing segment of our economy, small businesses. During the campaign you heard him say that he would not raise taxes on 95% of small businesses, but you know that most of the jobs rest with the remaining 5%, and that's where most of the new jobs would be created. The ignorant voters bought his 95% line, but you're not that stupid. You saw through his rhetoric. So, again, why jump into the market now? Wait until we see what Obama is going to do with these tax increases on America's jobs-producing machine.

  • Has promised more business regulation. Obama is no fan of free enterprise. He loves government. Obama believes America is great because of government. You really think you need to wait before you make your investment moves until you see just what regulatory punishment Obama has in mind for the free market.
In about eight weeks we're going to coronate a new president that is clearly not in love with capitalism. You elected him.. deal with it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Dumb Masses Who Voted for Obama

I posted this Video on facebook yesterday..

Certainly it was hard to judge the true nature of Obama supporters based on the random ones selected for this video ... So the Zogby people were commissioned to conduct a telephone poll to ask a greater number of Obama supporters the very same questions asked of the people in the video. Oh and one other thing to keep in mind. The people were given multiple choice answers to these questions. Even with multiple choices, here were some of the results.

* 94% of Obama voters correctly identified Sarah Palin as the candidate with a pregnant teenage daughter.
* 86% of Obama voters identified Palin as the candidate who spent $150,000 on a campaign wardrobe.
* 86.9 % of Obama voters though that Palin said that she could see Russia from her "house," even though the quote actually came from Saturday Night Live.

Now for some news about the candidate they were supporting ....

* 57.4% of Obama voters could not correctly say which party controls congress.
* 82.6% of Obama voters could not correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot
* 88.4% of Obama voters could not correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket
* 56.1% of Obama voters didn't know that Obama started his political career at the home of Bill Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Begining of the End!

Here it comes folks.. Obama wants to restructure the auto industry (control). It is not the government's job to restructure the auto industry. The auto industry got itself into this mess, and it doesn't need government or the tax payers to get it out of this mess. And besides, what makes the auto makers believe that government could do a better job of restructuring their industry? Politicians aren't in the industry ... let the companies that once enjoyed such great success build on the ingenuity that made them great. The only guarantee you will have from government is mediocrity.

If you'll notice, the Democrats are suddenly so focused and so worried about this auto industry bailout. That can be explained by two words: unions and votes. If they are the heroes of the auto industry, they can guarantee a win in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois for years to come. The line will be "we saved your job at a time when the Republicans wanted to let your employers fail."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is what happens when you elect a socialist

Investors have no confidence that the newly elected president will strengthen the market.

Week after Bush was elected the second time.

If you don't like chart, read this

if you voted for Obama, You got your change alright!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Are you a "HENRY" ?

Henry - High Earners, Not Rich Yet). They make $250,000-plus and get taxed to high heaven. And they're about to get socked again. Put simply, the HENRYs are the bulwark of the professional and entrepreneurial class that drives the economy.

They are relentless strivers. Aspiring HENRYs played by the rules and did everything right: They won the best grades in high school, got accepted at good colleges and grad schools, and worked daunting schedules as medical interns or associates in law firms. They're an upwardly mobile group: Most HENRYs used their talent and grit to advance from the middle class, and those who got a hand from affluent parents are determined to do even better for their kids.

"What they have in common is that they worked incredibly hard to build their careers and work incredibly hard to move ahead." Now this group of superachievers is being targeted as a cash machine. Barack Obama has pledged to pay for middle-class tax cuts and credits by raising tjavascript:void(0)axes on the HENRYs. "It's time for folks who make over $250,000 a year to pay their fair share," Obama has declared regularly on the campaign trail.

Obama and the congressional Democrats frequently refer to households earning over $250,000 as the "rich" and the "wealthiest Americans." But whether the HENRYs are truly "rich," or ever will be, is debatable.

Congratulation Obama!

You have won the "I WANT MY MOMMY" Election! This was not an election where the American voters were looking for someone to protect their freedoms. Instead, it was an election where people were looking for someone to take care of them. Self-sufficiency seems a bit old-fashioned right now. Why work so hard to be self-sufficient when candidates are falling all over themselves to provide the American people with womb-to-tomb or, if you will, cradle-to-grave paternalism.

This has been a "what's in it for me" vote. Are you going to give me health care? Are you going to make sure my job is guaranteed? Are you going to cover my child care costs? You aren't going to make me pay taxes, are you? How about all those evil rich people? Aren't you going to take some of their money away from them and give it to me? After all ... I work for my money, they cheated and stole for theirs. Make them pay their fair share of taxes. Me? I'm tired of paying any share.

  • The end of the secret ballot in union elections
  • A return of the Fairness Doctrine
  • A tax code punishing the wealthy, businesses, entrepreneurs, achievers
  • More federal government in government schools
  • Universal healthcare
  • Cap-and-trade policies on coal (no nuclear power, no drilling)
  • Supreme Court justices who favor a vaporous idea of "fairness" over the Constitution
  • The security of our nation and our allies (particularly Israel)

I keep thinking about that foolish woman at the Obama rally who said that with a Barack Obama presidency she "wouldn't have to worry about putting gas in her car and wouldn't have to worry about paying her mortgage." There are so many like her – people who sincerely believe that an Obama presidency is going to be a substitute for work. Give these people about six months and they're going to be wondering what happened ... where their gravy train went ... why they're still having to work for a living.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


The last thing I would want to do is discourage any capable and qualified voter from heading out today to vote. Now by capable and qualified I mean someone who is actually a citizen and someone who has somewhat of a clue as to what is going on out there. The sad truth is that there are going to be legions of voters like that idiot woman at an Obama rally who thought that once Obama wins here mortgage payments and gas for her car were going to be taken care of.

Obama is going to win this thing. There are only two mysteries left. How big will the victory be, and will Obama get a filibuster-proof U.S. Senate. If I had not already case my vote during early voting I would stand in line as long as it took here in Georgia to make sure that our Republican Senator is not replaced by a left-wing Democrat – one who is destined to become Harry Reid's sock puppet if he wins.

So ... some Election Day thoughts:

Thanks, Republicans. This one belongs to you. The Republican Party completely abandoned its principles after the voter revolution of 1994. The GOP became the party of big spending and big government. Beltway Republicans became drunk on power and completely forgot why they were there. They gave us no real reason to go to the polls and vote for them save for that filibuster-proof Senate scare and the fear of what the election of a Marxist will mean to our freedoms.

Thanks, George Bush. Thanks for your spectacular lack of leadership on issues of spending and big government over the past two terms. You get all the credit in the world for keeping America safe from another terrorist attack ... but when a president signs a bill he thinks is unconstitutional (McCain-Feingold) just because he thinks the Supreme Court will straighten things out; and when a president introduces grand new entitlement programs (Medicare drug benefits) and fails to veto even one pork-laden spending bill ... well, the result is an uninspired electorate and ... Barack Obama.

Thanks, Government Schools. Back to that woman at the Obama rally: Does she really believe that once Obama is elected she won't have to worry about putting gas in her car or paying her mortgage? Yup, she probably does. Then we have those Harlem voters who think that Barack Obama did a fine job in selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate. This election, more than any I can remember, illustrates why Democrats are so determined to preserve our system of government education. American voters are, for the most part, spectacularly uninformed about the issues and the candidates they are voting for. Did I say "uninformed?" I meant to say ignorant. For the most part these people casting ballots today could not name their two U.S. Senators and their Congressman if their flat-screens and cell phones depended on it. Things are only going to get worse. Get ready for an all-out war on school choice .. and that includes the home schooling option. The era of the teacher's unions is upon us.

And thanks Voters. This is an election that has been driven by wealth envy and celebrity worship. I really don't see any of this changing anytime soon ... so, whatchagonnado?