
Monday, April 23, 2007

If some Wicks are Slicks... Part 2

Of course, just like any other liberal, Joseph jumped to conclusion and labeled all college kids as “Crazy” and Also assumed all kids are automatically eligible for carry a concealed weapon.

To answer your question, yes I have been to a college and did earn a degree. It is not the college kids that are crazy, it is the lack of discipline and political correctness that makes you think colleges are crazy. Let me ask you this Joseph, do you also think we never landed on the moon right?

When kids graduate high school and go on to college they think they are grown up and ready for the world. And in fact they are not ready and they don’t even know what real world. The society can not wait to let them loose, live on their own, and make rational decisions etc. And the result, with the new found freedom they party like there is no tomorrow.

Most of the solders that are fighting in Iraq are about the same age as the kids attending college theses days. If you can trust them with gun, why can’t we with some student who are not in Iraq?.. Yes there is a different between a trained soldier and a college student. The difference can easily negated with adequate training. I never suggested putting the gun in a crazy kid. You do a background check, do a psych evaluation and require training before you put a gun in somebody hand.

Guns don’t kill people. A gun is an inanimate object that cannot do anything itself. Gun in the hands of crazies like Cho kills people. Taking guns away from the hands of responsible, law abiding citizens are not the way to reduce gun crime. All you have to do is look at other countries (UK, Canada, Australia) that implemented gun control. Gun crimes went up when guns went away. Why?, because criminals who intend on doing harm will obtain weapons no matter how much controls there are in place. With gun control all you are doing in leaving law abiding citizens defenseless in a situation.

There are examples of guns actually saving lives… But you would not hear those stories on the Crescent News Network (CNN)

Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Va
Pearl High School, Pearl, Miss

Whenever I've seen one of those "Gun-free Zone" signs, especially outside of a school filled with our youngest and most vulnerable citizens, I've always wondered exactly who these signs are directed at. Obviously, they don't mean much to the sort of man who murdered 32 people just a few days ago. - Fred Thompson (United States senator from Tennessee)

On lighter note: What a tribute to VT

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Very Sad Wednesday Indeed..

Sanjaya got booted off American Idol and I missed that long awaited moment. I was too busy changing Omie in the Nursery and couldn’t throw my hands in the air and go YES!!! FINALLY!

Weird feeling of the day: “"He's a teenager, and young girls and guys really like him." - AP Really?. How many “young guys” really like Sanjaya?..

By Favorite comment on votefortheworst.com
Listen we were talking about vote for the worst at my Bible class (my teacher is a huge american idol fan) and you people are the spawn of satan. you all are stopping melinda dolitle from a million dolars. she is a wonderfull person who cares about everything like God and Jesus and u people are stopping her from winning. sanjaya is a evil satan worshipper who doesnt beleive in God and he will go to hell JUST LIKE YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO GO AWAY AND DONT EVER COME BACK.

Ooookkkaaaaayy.. Melinda Dolittle is a Christian, so she should win the title?.. HA!. Don’t get me wrong. Dolittle is my favorite singer this year. And I hope she wins. But this is a singing competition, America gets decide who gets to win. If Sanjaya can last this long, there is no way to say who is gonna win.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Playboy In Braille ?

Playboy In Braille..

When I heard this on Radio, I was absolutely certain that the host was pulling my leg. So I did what any other useless knowledge seeking guy would do. Goggled “wiki Braille playboy”.

And sure enough, The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) has published a Braille edition of Playboy since 1970. The Braille version includes all the written words in the non-Braille magazine, but no pictorial representations. Congress cut off funding for the Braille magazine translation in 1985, but U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan reversed the decision on First Amendment grounds. -wiki

So in other words, part of your tax money is going to translate playboy and other pervert magazines on first amendment grounds. But you still can’t say God in public. I though free speech and freedom of religion was the same thing.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I am just thinking..

Would 30 students die if one of them were carrying a concealed weapon?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

If some Wicks are Slicks

Then all Slicks are wicks?

If I say Islam and terrorist in one sentence that doesn’t mean I said all Muslims are terrorist. I bet there are a few Muslims that would like the psychos among them to stop killing. But the problem is, there is far too many of the bad guys and too few of the good guys.. case in point: PBS dropped 'Islam vs. Islamists' on political grounds

This film has something to do with the good group of Muslims who want to live a good life and condemn the terrorists. But the liberal media do not want to offend the bad ones and in effect have silence the moderates.

When ever somebody who claims to be a Christian (not everybody who goes to church are Christians) commits a murder and suddenly all Christians are evil. But if I say Islamic terrorist, I automatically implied that all Muslims are terrorist. You must have a pretty narrow mind to think that if I don’t agree with you on one issue, I am evil and everything I say is wrong. Well then again, it is typical liberal strategy.. Any and all topics end up with Bush lied, kids died. And you wonder why this country is going down the tubes..

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The new breed of terrorists... Conservative Christians

At least in the mind of some school officials they are.. Here is the story

A school in NJ stages a hostage taking scenario so they can prepare themselves in a real situation. That’s is fine; Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. right? What ticks me off is the details..

When you hear this, what comes to your mind?
“The scenario has played out in real life across America: Gunfire echoes through a school and students are held hostage”.

I am thinking Columbine, Jihad, Muslim, Fanatic or Islamic extremists. The last thing that comes to mind is this:

“As members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the “New Crusaders” who don't believe in separation of church and state. The mock gunmen went to the school seeking justice because the daughter of one had been expelled for praying before class”

And get this “We need to practice under conditions as real as possible in order to evaluate our procedures and plans so that they're as effective as possible.”

You want this thing to be as real as possible? Get a bunch of psycho terrorist with bombs wrapped around their waist, take over the school, and force the girls to wear head scarves. Can’t get any more real than that. But no, that will be insulting to the peace loving religion of Islam! If the police had portrayed the real life scenario of gay terrorists or abortion rights activists upset for any contrived reason you would read about it in every major paper across the United States; and rightfully so because IT WOULD BE RIDICULOUSLY STUPID.

No other group in America would tolerate this kind of religious profiling! This is blatant religious hostility toward people of faith. The school district's mock hostage-taking program TARGETED CHRISTIANS as the perpetrators. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. And the timing couldn’t be perfect, during lent. It has become acceptable to discriminate against Christians with bigoted characterizations that portray them as gun wielding psycho killers.

I am sick and tired of the media and liberals trying to portray the conservative Christians as a threat to this country. Kids from this school who took part in this scenario went home thinking Christians do take over school and hold kids hostage (remember … under conditions as real as possible…).

Now why would a school purposely portray Christians as the bad guys.. here is my theory..

Members of Teachers Unions runs the schools. Unions are fundamentally democrats/liberals. Just look at their contributions. Christians are more likely conservatives/republicans
Conservatives like school choice for kids and teachers unions hate it. Because it takes power away from the unions and put it in the hands of parents. It also means the teachers will actually have to teach and compete against for the kids. So if you paint the Christians as the real threat, which will make them look good. Young impressionable minds are being wasted in public schools and America just sits back and takes it with out thinking twice! We have already forgotten what happened on 9/11/2001. People flocked to churches in record numbers days after 9/11. But soon, we are all back to our pre 9/11 mind set again because we have not been attacked since. Soon we will write off this tragedy from the history books because we do not want to offend the Muslims. Sadly, the left would prefer an attack by Islamic lunatics who cut off heads rather than have the kids see a crucifix. Liberals would appease to the terrorist rather than standing up and fighting for the freedom of this country.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007