
Friday, July 21, 2006

Isn’t this something ?..

The Gay couple who fought and won legal rights to recognize their marriage in the state of Massachusetts have announced that they have separated. They have been together for 33 years , got married in 2004, and split two years later. Did the marriage change things between them?

The whole mess started when Julie was undergoing emergency Caesarian with “their” baby and the hospital staff will not let Hillary into the room because she was neither the spouse nor a relative.

We all know two women cannot make babies. So where was the father when all of this going on? I could not find any information on where the father was at the time of Annie’s birth, but later Art Rawding and Julie and Hillary Goodridge raised Annie through a type of co-parenting arrangement; Julie and Hillary are Annie's primary parents, but Rawding also spends time with her. This way, Annie will grow up knowing her father.

"I feel like I'm the divorced father without any of the baggage," Rawding says, "in that I have a great relationship with these women and my daughter. It's totally open-ended -- they're open to as much love and support as I can give, as long as it's consistent over time. They didn't want to see me around full-time in Annie's infancy and then split.".

BAGGAGE?? Since when is bringing a child to this world became baggage?.. or may committing yourself to another is what he is referring to?..

I feel sorry for the Annie. Talk about growing up confused!. Everybody else has a mommy and daddy, Annie has two mommies and a daddy. And now that they have been separated, divorce and custody battle will follow. Sole Legal custody of a child is an endangered reality. It will most like be a joint custody. But in this case, there is three individual involved (because Julie & Hillary were legally married, and there no denying the fact that there is a father).

Good old family values are not hip any more. A father and mother committed to only each other, raising a family, instilling morality & integrity in their children are too old fashioned. Today, if you speak against the homosexuals, you are labeled homophobic. If you speak against the legal right of pedophiles, you become a bigot. You talk about illegal immigrants, its rhetoric.

I’ve heard supporters of homosexuality quote bible and say if you read between the lines you will find David and Jonathan, or Ruth and Naomi enjoyed homosexuality. Where does bible say one thing and mean another. There are clear, irrefutable scriptures that call homosexuality a sin. Why would the bible say otherwise else where “subtly”? Love is an action, Not an emotion!. There is love between parents, siblings, friends, brethren etc, which are not sexual. They are conscious act or care for each other. Then there are churches that support it. So?.. Does that make it right ?. No!.. You ask Why?.. The answer came straight out of the mouth of Jesus Christ, and is recorded for us in Matthew 7:21-23.

“Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, yes this is an ironic twist isn't it. Still I find it doubly ironic that it's the issue of homosexuality and not the actual divorce which is seen as a threat to the institution of the family. I have too many acquaintances who have 3 step dads and 4 step moms - talk about really being confused. And I don't say that to be facetious - it's really sad what some of these kids go through.

Now as to the passages - there's nothing really between the lines. It's there in plain sight. I agree that the Levitical purity codes forbid homosexual relations - however they also prohibit a number of other practices that we regard culturally irrelevant today. Why then is this issue still regarded relevant?

"The will of the Father". For me that means loving and accepting people for who they are - incarnating God's love to the marginalized - because ultimately we're all sinners saved by grace.