
Monday, March 05, 2007

Follow the Money, and Ye shall find the truth!

When ever somebody is telling you “Believe Me”, Don’t! Unless it is coming from somebody who has nothing to gain by what ever they are telling you.

Case in Point: Al Gore and Global Warming!

• In the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” Al Gore describes the consequences he believes global climate change will produce if the amount of human-generated greenhouse gases is not significantly reduced in the very near future. The way we are to reduce global warming is reduce our carbon foot print [THE CONVENIENT LIE]

• Recently, after Al Gore won the Oscar for best Documentary, It was reported that Al Gore’s electricity usage was 20 times the national average. [THE MINOR HYPOCRISY]
• It was later reported that Al Gore buys "carbon offsets" to compensate for his home's use of energy from carbon-based fuels. Gore buys his carbon offsets through Generation Investment Management (GIM)[THE MONEY TRAIL BEGINS]

• Turns out Al Gore is the Chairman of the US branch of the firm GIM and makes a profit as the company makes profit. So he is paying him self by purchasing the carbon offsets from a company he chairs. [SHORT MONEY TRAIL ENDS BACK IN GORE’S POCKET]

But the hypocrisy doesn’t end there. GIM was specifically established to take financial advantage of new technologies and solutions related to combating Global Warming [THE MAJOR HYPOCRISY].

Here is scenario: I come to you house and make you believe that your basement will flood and the damage will be irreversible in five months if you do not excavate around the house and water proof your basement now. But don’t worry; there is a company that can do the job for you (Jake’s Basement Repair). If you don’t think it is necessary, here is the list of 20 people that agrees with me. You really don’t have time to think about it, start the work now.

Things are not always obvious. Al-Gore is not dumb. He is a very smart man. He has you, me and the rest of the world trying to invest more money in alternate energy by professing the doom, gloom & Armageddon; while he sits back and enjoy the millions, if not billions in profits from “financial advantage of new technologies and solutions related to combating Global Warming”


Anonymous said...

So are you saying Global Warming isn't the real-deal-holyfield, or are you just upset that Gore is profiting from raising awareness re: Global Warming?

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested to read your take on the creation, use and the campaign for the mass production of biofuels...