
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My 2 cents on Global Warming

Do I believe global warming is real?
Sure… There is proof that there was an ice age, I am not knee deep in ice, ergo the earth must have warmed up to melt all that ice.

Do I believe global warming significant?
No. Ground-level temperature measurements suggest the earth has warmed between 0.3 and 0.6 degrees Celsius since 1850 (based on 1997 data by NATIONAL CENTER FOR POLICY ANALYSIS. That’s warming. The earth's temperature has increased slightly, but the increase is well within the natural range of known temperature variation over the last 15,000 years.

Is the global warming caused by human activities?
No!. If you look at Vostok-ice-core sample data, you can see that CO2 concentration spiked every 10,000 years or so. The first internal combustion engine was developed (not mass produced) in 1979. The earliest mention of American petroleum occurs not until 1595. Lets us go back as far as the time of Herodotus (~ 500 BC) where something similar to crude oil is mentioned in history. And then take 2500 years of the data from Vostok-ice-core data to take any petroleum based atmospheric emissions out of the equation. You will still see CO2 (one of the main green house gas) went up, the temperature went up and with no human intervention both components came down. We know from the Vostok-ice-core date that the cycle has been continuing for at least four hundred thousand years. So even if we shut down all human progress, stop using all fuel usage, and revert to Stone Age, we will still have global warming.

So why is Global Warming an issue?
Just imagine how much money revolves around global warming. Al Gore’s movie made over $31,478,021 to date. (And he is also nominated for a Nobel Peace Price, Surprised? And what are the chances he is not going to win it among all the scandal on his hypocrisy) On top of that Al gore made millions in speaking engagements & books, and other loyalties. US government spends 400 billion a year on global warming related research and technology and the funding is only going to increase over time. World wide, millions of people depend on war against global warming for their lively hood. If the issue goes away, lot of jobs and money goes with it. It is in their best interest to keep the issue alive for their livelihood. In the process, they make it so that anybody who talk against it is considered evil or in cahoots with the evil oil corporations.

It is easier to believe what we see on TV and not think twice about it. And politicians depends it. Just like a car salesman hates and educated consumer, politicians hate an educated constituent. The great concern of many that we are ruining the planet is nothing but ideology to fatten their pockets. Image a world where people believe in something because they find it to be moral and the right thing to do (hey, a man can dream; can’t he?)

I do know this world is finite. And so are the resources within. If we trash this planet, we will suffer the consequences. Humans are the dominant species on Earth and the most advanced in intelligence and ability to manage their environment. We got where we are by questioning our own believes and transforming those questions into practical theories and workable solutions. But the fact that fewer people ask questions and bother to find the right answers may be the demise of human kind after all.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Global Warming Myth Lecture CTH Stink Test

Junk Science: Global Warming Myth Busted

1 comment:

Robbie S said...


I have only a few comments in response to your "2 cents," which hopefully will engender healthy discussion.

Firstly your views are somewhat disjointed you spend the entire article disproving the importance of "global warming" but in your last paragraph you say: "If we trash this planet, we will suffer the consequences."

Moreover, what you (and the Cato Institute) are not considering in your massive span of ecological time is that prior to 1949 humans play a very minor role in the global environment, but in the last fifty+ years we have been. Yes we had an Ice Age and a period of warming. But consider, a BBC article (referencing a study) had recently found that melting polar caps actually released carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide (being a greenhouse gas) contributes to global warming.

Now, assuming the cold and hot cycles yes, polar caps melt, release carbon dioxide, which begets more melting. But throw in humanity's carbon dioxide as well and where does that put us? I don't know because there hasn't been a study on its long-term effects because it hasn't happened yet.

Saying "global climate change" is nothing but the devilish ways of fat-cat politicians to make a quick buck is brashly cynical - but more to the point, ill-advised. The "wait-and-see" policy has never been intelligent, especially in regard to the following anecdote:

A man sees his house on fire and decides - I know fires put themselves out eventually, so I'll just wait-and-see. Surprise, his house burns down. True the fire's out, but so is he. Of course, the big question is: how big's the fire? But if your house is on fire, most people wouldn't stop to ask that question before attempting to put it out.