
Thursday, April 05, 2007

The new breed of terrorists... Conservative Christians

At least in the mind of some school officials they are.. Here is the story

A school in NJ stages a hostage taking scenario so they can prepare themselves in a real situation. That’s is fine; Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. right? What ticks me off is the details..

When you hear this, what comes to your mind?
“The scenario has played out in real life across America: Gunfire echoes through a school and students are held hostage”.

I am thinking Columbine, Jihad, Muslim, Fanatic or Islamic extremists. The last thing that comes to mind is this:

“As members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the “New Crusaders” who don't believe in separation of church and state. The mock gunmen went to the school seeking justice because the daughter of one had been expelled for praying before class”

And get this “We need to practice under conditions as real as possible in order to evaluate our procedures and plans so that they're as effective as possible.”

You want this thing to be as real as possible? Get a bunch of psycho terrorist with bombs wrapped around their waist, take over the school, and force the girls to wear head scarves. Can’t get any more real than that. But no, that will be insulting to the peace loving religion of Islam! If the police had portrayed the real life scenario of gay terrorists or abortion rights activists upset for any contrived reason you would read about it in every major paper across the United States; and rightfully so because IT WOULD BE RIDICULOUSLY STUPID.

No other group in America would tolerate this kind of religious profiling! This is blatant religious hostility toward people of faith. The school district's mock hostage-taking program TARGETED CHRISTIANS as the perpetrators. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. And the timing couldn’t be perfect, during lent. It has become acceptable to discriminate against Christians with bigoted characterizations that portray them as gun wielding psycho killers.

I am sick and tired of the media and liberals trying to portray the conservative Christians as a threat to this country. Kids from this school who took part in this scenario went home thinking Christians do take over school and hold kids hostage (remember … under conditions as real as possible…).

Now why would a school purposely portray Christians as the bad guys.. here is my theory..

Members of Teachers Unions runs the schools. Unions are fundamentally democrats/liberals. Just look at their contributions. Christians are more likely conservatives/republicans
Conservatives like school choice for kids and teachers unions hate it. Because it takes power away from the unions and put it in the hands of parents. It also means the teachers will actually have to teach and compete against for the kids. So if you paint the Christians as the real threat, which will make them look good. Young impressionable minds are being wasted in public schools and America just sits back and takes it with out thinking twice! We have already forgotten what happened on 9/11/2001. People flocked to churches in record numbers days after 9/11. But soon, we are all back to our pre 9/11 mind set again because we have not been attacked since. Soon we will write off this tragedy from the history books because we do not want to offend the Muslims. Sadly, the left would prefer an attack by Islamic lunatics who cut off heads rather than have the kids see a crucifix. Liberals would appease to the terrorist rather than standing up and fighting for the freedom of this country.


Joe said...

Here is a list of extremist Christian terrorists:

One of the most widely-reported Christian terrorists is Eric Robert Rudolph, an American who committed a series of bombings across the southern United States in the 1990s, killing three people and injuring at least 150 others, because he believed that abortion and homosexuality were contrary to Christian doctrine[3]. While he may have been associated with the Christian Identity movement, Rudolph himself has rejected the claims, saying that he is a Catholic,[4][5] and that he "prefers Nietzsche to the Bible".

Clayton Waagner claimed to be on a "mission from God" when he set out with his family on a trip across the United States, intent on killing multiple abortion providers. Ultimately he mailed envelopes, falsely claiming they contained anthrax, to more than 500 abortion facilities, as part of the larger, and unconnected, anthrax attacks of 2001.

In 1998, James Charles Kopp murdered Barnett Slepian, a physician who performed abortions. Kopp was affiliated with anti-abortion group The Lambs of Christ.

On 11 September 2006, the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the USA, Christian terrorist David McMenemy attempted a suicide bombing, deliberately crashing his car into a women's health clinic in Davenport, Iowa, which he mistakenly believed provided abortions.[6]

According to the National Abortion Federation, between 1977 and 2006, anti-abortion terrorism was responsible for 7 murders, 17 attempted murders, 41 bombings, 173 arson attacks, 100 butyric acid attacks, 157 incidents of assault and battery, 4 kidnappings, and 385 death threats.
Several Christian extremists who have targeted abortion providers have had close ties to the militant organization Army of God, including the excommunicated Presbyterian minister Paul Jennings Hill, Michael F. Griffin, and the Reverend Michael Bray. Eric Rudolph, Clayton Waagner and James Kopp all had links to the Army of God, though it is not clear whether Waagner or Kopp had formal links.

Ro! said...

Well done Joseph!. You came up with 7 murders by christians in 29 years.. that is the best you could do? . I didn't say people that claim to be christians don't kill or do crime. Heck, KKK calls themselves christians.

now, you wanna tell me how many murders happened by those who claimed to be muslims?.. (oh wait, nobody is keeping coun't because we don't wanna upset the great peace loving nation of islam)

Ro! said...

Joseph, I will not let you hide behind a false alias and let you post your comments on my site.. If you have the balls, why don't you show your face and then we can have a decent conversation..